English Language Learners' Syllabus

Students will use verbal and non-verbal language to express themselves and build confidence in their communication abilities.

English Language Learners

The English Language Learners' Syllabus is designed for students who have English as an additional language. Oral language is an important and easily transferable skill for English Language Learners to develop confidence and to enable them to communicate and interact in a range of situations. The options in this syllabus have been crafted to prepare and empower students to fully participate in enjoying and exercising their linguistic skills and communicative capability.

Each learning progression can be used independently. The syllabus is designed to be used by teachers, both private and in schools or language centres, working with students and migrants at any level and for them to be able to enter their students at the various learning progressions that represent where they are at. Examiners are trained in working with students for whom English is a second language to ensure that the examination environment best supports the candidate’s success.

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Entries can be done anytime up to the closing date. It is preferable to enter in advance of the closing date so that a reference number can be generated for payments.


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