
We believe that self-confidence, resilience, and effective communication skills are enormously important, and strive to see the growth of these three elements in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Communication in Leadership

This syllabus is ideal for those who aspire to be in positions of leadership either in their school or community.

English Language Learners

This syllabus offers students a wide range of choice in what they present for examination.

Flexi Speaking & Performing

This syllabus offers students a wide range of choice in what they present for examination.

Oral Communication

Oral Communication | Aromatawai-ā-waha me te Marautanga Reo aims to empower confident and capable communicators.

Professional Speaking

This syllabus is aimed at candidates who would like to develop confidence in Professional and social speaking.

Public Speaking & Communication

This syllabus is designed for students who wish to develop their confidence and ability across public speaking situations.

Speech and Drama

This syllabus is aimed at students who are interested in building skills in all aspects of speech and drama.

Theatre in Action

This is the ideal syllabus for students who learn in and like to perform as a group.


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