Speech NZ Theory

Recognising and refining oral communication skills through comprehensive examination offerings.

Speech New Zealand Diplomas

When it comes to enhancing your communication skills you have choices.

Viva Voce

Advanced Associate (AASB) and Licentiate (LSB) Diploma candidates' theory papers will be examined viva voce. These examinations will be 20 minutes long for AASB and 25 minutes long for LSB. Examiners will use the grading rubric.

The AASB viva voce candidates will be assessed by performance examiners either in-person as part of a centre tour or via video conferencing. The LSB viva voce candidates will be assessed by specialist theory examiners via video conferencing only.

View an example Viva Voce Examination, where the candidate achieved a Pass with Merit grade and download the grading rubric.

Theory papers

Speech NZ Theory Papers

Theory requirements

All theory candidates are required to make connections between knowledge and teaching/performance (based on their major), including relevant methods/exercises/materials.

The table below outlines the Theory requirements for each Speech NZ Diploma. These must be completed along with any practical modules required.

Advanced ASB


FSB (Fellowship)

3 theory papers required

4 theory papers required

2 modules required



Paper 1 – Voice and speech

Paper 5 – The use of conventions, elements, techniques and features in performance

Paper 3 – Shakespearean drama

OR Paper 4 – New Zealand and Pasifika writing

Paper 1 – Voice and speech in performance

Paper 2 – History of theatre

Paper 3 – Techniques of interpretation in drama, prose and poetry

Paper 4 – Acting in different genres

1 Theory Module 

Either written submission or recorded lecture plus Q&A

1 Practical Module – Extended performance



Paper 1 – Voice and speech

Paper 2 – Teaching materials or methods

Paper 3 – Shakespearean drama

OR Paper 4 – New Zealand and Pasifika writing

Paper 1 – Teaching voice and speech

Paper 2 – History of theatre

Paper 3 – Techniques of teaching interpretation in drama, poetry and prose

Paper 4 – Teaching practice and the ethical responsibilities of the teacher to pupils and the profession

1 Theory Module –

Either written submission or recorded lecture plus Q&A

1 Practical Module – Masterclass



Paper 1 – Voice and speaking in public speaking

Paper 2 – Preparation and structure of speeches

Paper 3 – Communication barriers and non-verbal influences

Paper 1 – Voice and speech

Paper 2 – History of rhetoric

Paper 3 – Leadership

Paper 4 – Ethics in public speaking

1 Theory Module –

Either written submission or recorded lecture plus Q&A

1 Practical Module – Discussion group




Paper 1 – Voice and speaking in public speaking

Paper 2 – Preparation and structure of speeches

Paper 5 - Teaching material and methods

Paper 1 – Teaching of voice and speech

Paper 2 – History of rhetoric

Paper 3 – Leadership

Paper 4 – Teaching practice and ethical responsibilities of the teacher to students and the profession

1 Theory Module –

Either written submission or recorded lecture plus Q&A

1 Practical Module - Masterclass

Cross-crediting Application

Apply to cross-credit practical modules and theory papers

Candidates may apply to cross-credit practical modules and theory papers against external qualifications or study (above NZQA level 3) or relevant experience. Please see below AASB Pathways for papers that may be automatically cross-credited against internal qualifications. 

AASB Pathways

Speech and Drama Performance v Teaching majors – ASB or AASB?

If you want to major in Performance, whether it be in Speech and Drama or Public Speaking and Communication, you can choose either ASB or AASB. An ASB is awarded after passing 3 practical modules. An AASB is awarded after passing 3 practical modules and 3 theory papers. You might choose to get your ASB first, then upgrade to the AASB by adding on the Theory papers, or you might choose to get straight into the Theory papers immediately and go right to the AASB.

If you want to major in Teaching, in either Speech and Drama or Public Speaking, you need to go straight to an AASB, which has 3 practical modules and 3 theory papers. There is no ASB majoring in Teaching.

Pathways to a combined AASB

There are 5 different pathways for you to gain an AASB in either 2 syllabuses, 2 majors, or 2 syllabuses and 2 majors

  1. AASB in Public Speaking, majoring in both Teaching and Performance

  2. AASB in Speech and Drama, majoring in both Teaching and Performance

  3. AASB in both Public Speaking and Speech and Drama, majoring in Teaching

  4. AASB in both Public Speaking and Speech and Drama, majoring in Performance

  5. AASB in both Public Speaking and Speech and Drama, majoring in both Teaching and Performance

Take a look at the chart using the link below to track the ways in which to achieve this, see descriptions listed below.

Download AASB Pathways Chart

AASB in both Teaching & Performance (Speech and Drama or Public Speaking)

You can achieve your AASB in Teaching and Performance within one of the syllabi (Speech and Drama or Public Speaking) at the same time by completing 4 practical modules and 4 theory papers.

To get your AASB in Public Speaking majoring in BOTH Teaching and Performance you would need:


  1. Module 1 – ‘Performance and Teaching’ (this Module is the same for both majors)

  2. Module 2 – Performance

  3. Module 2 – Teaching

  4. Module 3 – Performance and Teaching (this Module is the same for both majors)

THEORY PAPERS (4 required)

  1. Public Speaking Paper 1 (‘Voice and Speech’) – Performance and Teaching (cross creditable)

  2. Public Speaking Paper 3 – Performance

  3. Public Speaking Paper 5 - Teaching

  4. PICK from the following:

    1. Public Speaking Paper 2 - Performance

    2. Public Speaking Paper 2 - Teaching

To get your AASB in Speech and Drama majoring in BOTH Teaching and Performance, you would need:


  1. PICK from the following:

    1. Module 1 – Performance

    2. Module 1 - Teaching

  2. Module 2 – Performance

  3. Module 2 – Teaching

  4. PICK from the following:

    1. Module 3 – Performance

    2. Module 3 - Teaching

THEORY PAPERS (4 required)

  1. Speech and Drama Paper 1 (‘Voice and Speech’) – Performance and Teaching (cross creditable)

  2. Speech and Drama Paper 2 – Teaching

  3. Speech and Drama Paper 5 - Performance

  4. PICK ONE from the following:

    1. Speech and Drama Paper 3 – Performance

    2. Speech and Drama Paper 3 – Teaching

    3. Speech and Drama Paper 4 – Performance

    4. Speech and Drama Paper 4 – Teaching

AASB in both Speech and Drama and Public Speaking (majoring in either Teaching or Performance)

You can achieve your AASB in Speech and Drama and Public Speaking (majoring in either Teaching or Performance), at the same time by completing practical modules and 4 theory papers.

To get your AASB in Speech and Drama AND Public Speaking majoring in Teaching, you would need:


  1. Module 1 – ‘Teaching and Performance’ (Speech and Drama)

  2. Module 1 – ‘Teaching and Performance’ (Public Speaking)

  3. Module 3 – (Speech and Drama)

  4. Module 3 – (Public Speaking)

  5. PICK from the following

    1. Module 2 – ‘Teaching’ (Speech and Drama)

    2. Module 2 – ‘Teaching’ (Public Speaking)

THEORY PAPERS (4 required)

  1. ‘Voice and Speech’ – Paper 1 (cross creditable after fee paid)

  2. PICK from the following:

    1. Speech and Drama Paper 2 - ‘Teaching Materials’

    2. Public Speaking Paper 5 – ‘Teaching Materials’

  3. ‘Preparation & structure of speeches’ – Paper 2 (Public Speaking)

  4. PICK from the following:

    1. Paper 3 (Speech and Drama)

    2. Paper 4 (Speech and Drama)

To get your AASB in Speech and Drama AND Public Speaking majoring in Performance, you would need:


  1. Module 1 – ‘Teaching and Performance’ (Speech and Drama)

  2. Module 1 – ‘Teaching and Performance’ (Public Speaking)

  3. Module 2 - (Speech and Drama)

  4. Module 2 - (Public Speaking)

  5. PICK from the following:

    1. Module 3 – (Speech and Drama)

    2. Module 3 – (Public Speaking)

THEORY PAPERS (4 required)

  1. ‘Voice and Speech’ – Paper 1 (S&D/PS) (cross creditable)

  2. Paper 5 (Speech and Drama)

  3. Paper 3 (Public Speaking)

  4. PICK ONE from the following:

    1. Paper 2 (Public Speaking)

    2. Paper 3 (Speech and Drama)

    3. Paper 4 (Speech and Drama)

AASB in both Public Speaking AND Speech and Drama, majoring in BOTH Teaching and Performance

If you have an AASB in Speech and Drama and Public Speaking majoring in Teaching, and want to upgrade to add the Performance major, you need to do:

PRACTICAL MODULES (1 additional Module required) PICK ONE from the following:

  1. Module 2 – Performance (Speech and Drama)

  2. Module 2 – Performance (Public Speaking)

THEORY PAPERS (2 additional paper required)

  1. Paper 5 (Speech and Drama)

  2. Paper 3 (Public Speaking)

If you have an AASB in Speech and Drama and Public Speaking majoring in Performance, and want to upgrade to add the Teaching major, you need to do:

PRACTICAL MODULES (1 additional Module required) PICK ONE from the following:

  1. Module 2 – ‘Teaching’ (Speech and Drama)

  2. Module 2 – ‘Teaching’ (Public Speaking)

THEORY PAPERS (2 additional paper required)

  1. Paper 2 (Speech and Drama

  2. Paper 5 (Public Speaking)

Our Declaration of Excellence

Speech New Zealand Declaration of Excellence

 Speech New Zealand’s highest academic achievements are recognised by Fellowship, Licentiate and Associate Diplomas.

Those who achieve a Diploma will, after several years of advanced study, have demonstrated excellence in communication.  They will:

  • Understand and apply the principles of good oral communication

  • Give structured and dynamic presentations

  • Think and speak on their feet

  • Facilitate and participate in discussion

  • Present a professional image while adapting to suit the formality of the occasion

  • Formulate and express ideas clearly and logically

  • Evaluate situations and problem-solve creatively

  • Listen and respond to others and build understanding

  • Manage voice and speech to a high standard

  • Participate effectively in informal speaking and conversations

They will also have demonstrated mastery of the specialist skills of their specific diplomas.

Process of Change for Advanced Certificate or Diploma

If you sat your exam prior to 2014, you may be eligible to upgrade your qualification to a Diploma or Advanced Diploma by one of the below processes.

Candidates who have completed only one or two modules of an Advanced Certificate at the end of 2013

Completion of the required modules in 2014 or beyond will automatically earn them an Associate Diploma – ASB.

Candidates who have completed an Advanced Certificate during 2013

Payment of a cross-crediting fee will mean their Advanced Certificate will be replaced with an Associate Diploma – ASB.

Candidates who have completed an Advanced Certificate prior to 2013

Payment of a cross-crediting fee plus the provision of a copy of their Advanced Certificate, will mean their Advanced Certificate will be replaced with an Associate Diploma – ASB.

Candidates who have partially completed an Associate Diploma in either Performance or Teaching at the end of 2012

Completion of the required modules and/or theory papers in 2014 or beyond will automatically earn them an Advanced Associate Diploma – Adv ASB.

Candidates who have completed an Associate Diploma during 2013

Payment of a cross-crediting fee will mean their Associate Diploma will be replaced with an Advanced Associate Diploma – Adv ASB.

Candidates who have completed an Associate Diploma prior to 2013

Payment of a cross-crediting fee plus the provision of a copy of their Associate Diploma, will mean their Associate Diploma will be replaced with an Advanced Associate Diploma – Adv ASB.


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