Teacher Coaching

This programme supports individuals in any part of Aotearoa New Zealand to develop the practical skills for teaching speech and communication.

Future Teachers

Develop practical skills for teaching speech and communication with the framework to grow a small business, and the professional skills to be successful. The Future Teacher Coaching Programme also supports already established Speech New Zealand teachers to continue to grow and develop their skills to enhance their teaching offerings.

It is an IDEAL programme if you are:

  1. Interested in becoming a speech, drama, communication or performance teacher, but don't know quite where to start

  2. New to teaching, and would like some support to get further established

  3. Already an established and accomplished teacher, and wanting to upskill!

If any of the above sounds like you, please get in touch with the Speech New Zealand National Office to book in for a consultation!

Our coaches are seasoned professionals in each of their areas, and their job is to coach you on what you want to learn within that module subject.

This means that a lot of this programme will be learner-led. Participants can pick what they want to learn about, letting their coach know of topics or areas they don’t need coaching on, so that they get the best possible value with their coaching.

Teaching and Learning Systems

3 hours required

This is your teacher bread and butter, the administration side of teaching that will you’re your life a lot easier once you get stuck into teaching. This module also creates a great foundation for further syllabus work. You’ll cover the following:

  • Building a routine, a system by which you teach each week

  • Long-term teaching plan, weekly planning systems

  • Teaching online & teaching face-to-face

  • Resource management

  • Communication planning (with students and parents)

  • Working with high-needs learners

  • Professional ethics

You may also delve into:

  • Developing productions and performance opportunities

Syllabus modules

2 each, A 2-hour module focusing on teaching each syllabus.

This time can be flexible to what you want to focus on. Possible inclusions are:

  • Exemplar lesson plans, lesson plan feedback

  • Troubleshooting

  • Incorporating Theory

Higher Education

2 hours required

This module perfect if you’re interested in aspects of the higher education levels within the Speech and Communication sector. Perhaps you’re interested in teaching Diploma students and looking for some resources to support you with that, or perhaps you have a particular interest in delving further into theorists, or another specific avenue – this module is for you!

Business Plan + Finance

5 hours required

If you decide to sign up for both the Business Plan & the Finance Module, you’ll be paired with the same coach who will cover both subjects in 5 hours.

Building a Business Plan

4 hours required

This is your business backbone, the foundation for all your developments. You’ll cover the following:

  • Executive Summary (overview, mission statement, values, history, business description)

  • Market research (including a competitive analysis)

  • Marketing & sales strategy introduction)

  • Business financials introduction (profit/loss table)

Financial Module

2 hours required

This is the module for the money side of running a business. You’ll cover the following:

  • Class pricing

  • Invoicing

  • Costings

  • Debt management

  • Compliance obligations

Marketing + Website

7.5 hours required

If you decide to sign up for both the Marketing & the Website Module, you’ll be paired with the same coach who will cover both subjects in 6 hours. Please note - this will not be 6 hours 1-on-1

Marketing (Basics)

2 hours required

This is the backbone of your Marketing for your business. A key element to help you advertise and grow. You’ll cover the following:

  • Branding (logo, colours, imagery)

  • Building your marketing strategy (online presence, goals for dedication to marketing)

  • Templated marketing resources and how to use them

Please note – the 2 hours allocated include time for the coach to create the marketing materials and templates, so this module won’t be 2 hours 1-on-1.

Marketing (Website)

6 hours required

This module is specifically for getting your business website. You’ll cover the following

  • Design ideas and what you want the website to include

  • Domain & hosting (these are an additional cost that is not included in your coaching fee. This is because hosting and domain prices fluctuate, but as a ballpark, will cost around $100 per year).

  • Full site build out

  • Training to use the website platform, so you can manage your site on your own.

Please note – the 5 hours allocated include time for the coach to build the site, so this module won’t be 5 hours 1-on-1

IT Systems

2 hours required

This module is to help you get your IT systems set up.

This time can be flexible to what you want to focus on. Possible inclusions are:

  • Digitalising resources

  • Using PDFs & the best apps for scanning

  • Document storage for student/teacher access

  • File sharing

  • Copyright of materials

Useful FAQs

Information for Future Teachers

Do I need to do all of the modules? 

No, certainly not. We recognise that it is likely you will arrive with some skills already, so during your consultation we will work with you to understand what you need and when you need it. 

How old do I have to be? 

You can start this programme at any stage of life. 

Can I teach part-time? 

Yes, you decide how much you want to do, and how quickly you do it. This programme is great for those looking to learn part-time or after-hours. 

Will I be working with other people? 

This coaching model is personalised to you and you will work with your coach 1 on 1. 

Will I get any qualifications? 

We will provide you with a certificate of completion at the end of each module that outlines the areas that were covered. Because this is a bespoke coaching programme there will be no National Standard Framework accreditations. 

Do you guarantee me students? 

No, but if you need it, we will coach you to develop a robust business plan and marketing strategy. This will support you to go to your community to find students in whichever market you are focusing (children, adults, schools or businesses). We will list your name on our ‘find a teacher’ section of our website for free and when we are contacted by a prospective student, we share the details of all the teachers on our list for that area. 

What could I expect to earn? 

This is a little tricky because it depends on the sector you are focusing on and how you structure your business. Your business planning coach will help you with this. Many of our teachers who are working full time earn as much as a Primary School teacher (as an indication).


The Future Teacher Coaching Programme has been designed to assist you with the areas that you specifically want some coaching on.

  • All coaching is 1-on-1, fits around your schedule and availability, and you have total control of the topics you wish to learn about.

  • Our coaches are industry leaders with extensive professional experience in each of their fields. 

  • Our goal is to grow the speech and communication industry by encouraging more individuals to develop and invest in their passion and become educators in the field. Together, we can 'help our nation to communciate'.

All modules are priced at $150 per hour including GST

Payment Plan Options: All coaching programmes require a 50% down-payment for coaching to commence.

a) Pay 50% upon sign-up, and pay 50% 4 weeks later, or
b) Pay 50% upon sign-up, and split the remainder evenly over the next 3 months, + a $30 administrative fee.

Learn or work with us to help build a better future

Please feel free to reach out with any questions, feedback, or inquiries you may have. We look forward to connecting with you.

Get in touch for more infomation

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